Mini Games

I took a game design course my senior year of college with very little experience in game design, development or programming. I walked into the class as the only music major and talked with the teacher about what I could do to make the most of my skills and background throughout the course. This resulted in me writing all the music and making all the sound effects for all of the course’s game projects.

It was a great opportunity and also led to working with the teacher’s own game studio, QuadraTron Games, on projects like Fish Heads and Cosmic Rocket Force once the semester had ended.

The Music & Sound

Making the music for these mini games was pretty straightforward: each game was made using an infinite runner package and needed 2 minutes of music, in addition to a handful of sound effects. Because each game had the same foundations, the art styles were the factors that made each game unique. Those art styles had huge influence on the music for each game and gave me an opportunity to write in some different styles of music.

The sound effects were equally to the point: some UI sounds, a few jumping variations, and a death sound. Done.