Cell Shocked is a Tower Defense-meets-TPS where players defend the host’s body from invading infections

Made during the Game Jobs Live Spring Parade 2022 with the theme of “Every Life Counts.”

Check out the jam page here or click on the app icon to play the game on itch:

The Music

The game had a straightforward game loop and utilized a total of 3 music tracks. I took on the role of Composer for all the music in the team of 11. Audio Implementation was done in Wwise by the Sound Designer.

Menu Music

The menu track called for something to get players ready for action- to jump into the combat of the game! The team pictured music that would give a militaristic feel to match the antibodies going into a firefight while also offering some of the main character’s (Iggy) personality. I chose an orchestral/synth hybrid style instrumentation, to achieve the vibe described above.

What we ended up with took influence from fun and light-hearted character themes, notably “Sora” from the Kingdom Hearts series. I took note of this track’s use of:

  • a militaristic and rhythmic ostinato

  • the mixolydian mode, in a manner that didn’t solely rely on the expected use of tension

For a deeper analysis into how I utilized the reference track, check out this video here.

Cutscene Music

For the cutscene music, I played the main melody from the menu track on a whistle and replaced the rest of the arrangement with some more groove based rhythmic synth patches. To me, the whistle gave something along the lines of what you might hear in one of those educational videos about wars before the 1900s. I found this to offer an interesting contrast to the synth based groove, the “inside the human body” environment and reference to modern medicine.

Now the cutscenes had ties to the musical identity of the game and gave a nice ambience for players to experience the narrative told through the dialogue.

Gameplay Music

Originally created as a demo track for the game Strange Stars by QuadraTron Games, once that game’s production was halted this track had no home. Interestingly enough, the high energy/tension vibe the team was looking for in the gameplay music for Cell Shocked was matched in this pre-existing track. That, coupled with the one week deadline from the jam, made repurposing the track an action that offered more time for production and feedback from the team.

This track took influence from Run & Gun games, notably Sonic the Hedgehog, allowing the fast paced and constant high tension elements to seep into this fully electronic track.

The Team

Khenan Newton, Project Manager & Lead Programmer

James Cunningham, Developer

Andrew Letailleur, Developer

Mark Samani, Composer

Harleen Singh, Sound Designer/Audio Implementation

Kelsey Fox Reyes, Narrative Designer

Julia Mirae Nin, 2D Character Artist

Kshitij Gupta, 3D Character Artist

Simon Breumier, 3D Environment Artist

Irene Geller, UI & Graphic Designer

Obert Chen, Play Testing